I had a great trip to Harris Teeter. I found almost everything I needed on the shelves and I didn’t have to go at 3 am! The checkout line was shorter and my store had boxes and boxes of popular items. Yay! I purchased $30 in participating items in the Proctor and Gamble Promo to get a $10 Visa. My parents hook me up on Super Double mornings. My mom comes to watch my kids while my dad and I roam the aisles at the crack of dawn. This allows me to concentrate and use 40 coupons. Here is what I bought today:
1 Reynold’s Crock Pot Liners – $1.99 (I needed these so I used this this $0.75/1 printable)
1 Keebler Sandies – $0.50 (These are $2.50 and I used my KFR points to get $1.00/1 coupon and I’ll get another $0.20/1 from Ibotta)
1 Dawn Detergent – $0.40 (Only $1 and I used this $0.30/1 printable)
2 Tide Pods – $12.98 – (Marked $9.99 and I used (2) $2.00/1 printable)
1 Dreft Scent Boosters – $1.99 (Marked $5.99 and I used this $2.00/1 printable)
2 Crest ProHealth – $2.00 (Marked $2.50 and I used (2) $0.75/1 printable)
1 Poise Liners – FREE (Marked $3.49 and I use this $2.00/1 printable)
1 Always Discreet – $1.49 (Marked $5.49 and I used $2.00/1 from PG insert)
1 Oral B Pulsar – $1.99 (Marked $4.99 and I used this $1.50/1 printable)
1 Playtex Gloves – FREE (They are B1G1 and I used this $1.00/1 printable)
1 Barber Chicken – FREE (There are B1G1 and I used $1.50/1 from insert)
2 Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs – $3.50 (FYI – These are NOT B1G1. The Oscar Mayer SELECT are B1G1)
1 Land O’ Frost Roast Beef – $1.50 (Marked $3.00 and I used $0.75/1 from insert)
2 Dial Hand Soap – FREE (Marked $1.00/1 and I used $1.00/2 from insert)
2 Del Monte Fruit Cups – FREE (Marked $2.00 and I used (2) $1.00/1 from insert)
2 Ortega Taco Seasoning – $0.60 (These are $0.80 and I used $0.50/2 from insert)
1 Pantene Hairspray – $0.50 (Marked $3.50 and I used $1.50/1 from insert)
2 Mr. Bubble – FREE (Marked $1.99 and I used (2) $1.00/1 printable)
3 Gala Apples – $1.16 (I’ll get a $0.20 Ibotta rebate)
2 Act Mouthwash – $3.98 (These were $5.99 and I used $2.00/1 printable)
2 DiGiorno Pizza – $6.00 (These are $10/2 and I used $2.00/2 from insert)
2 Pillsbury Pumpkin Cookies – $1.50 (Marked $2.50 and I used $1.00/2 printable)
1 HT Eggs – $1.97 (I’ll get a $0.20 Ibotta rebate)
2 Perdue Chicken – $4.99 (These are B1G1 and I used (2) $0.75/1 from insert)
1 Iron Chef Mongolian Beef – $6.49 (Marked B1G1)
1 Black Angus Beef Patties – $5.99 (Marked B1G1)
2 Zevia – $3.98 (I used (2) $2.00/1 printable)
1 Secret Clinical Deodorant – $3.97 (Reg. Price $7.97. I used this $2.00/1 printable and there is another $2.00 after Ibotta rebate)
4 All Detergent – $3.16 (These are B1G1 and I used (2) $1.00/1 printable and (2) $1.00/1 from insert)
Final: $72.63
Total Savings: $169.47 (I’ll get a $10 Visa for the PG Promo and another $2.60 rebate from Ibotta
That is a 75% savings – Woohoo! How did your trip go? Did you find any great deals?
Find more Harris Teeter Deals here!
Beth – that’s awesome you were able to find so many great deals in stock! My store on the other hand was COMPLETELY picked over by the time I dropped my oldest off at preschool and started shopping at 9:30 am, with my infant son. I happen to follow Harris Teeter’s policy of 20 coupons per day and usually end up shopping all 7 days with two kids under 3 in tow (this is my first super doubles that I only have one child with me on a couple of those days because preschool started) in hopes of finding great deals. Every super doubles event I become even more frustrated with people, including yourself, who use more than one VIC card to game the system and use more coupons than you’re allowed. I realize this comment will likely offend you and others, and may never be posted, but I wanted to share my frustration in hopes that people think about how their actions impact others.
Hi Beth – I reread your post and owe you a bit of an apology. I realized that you had your dad with you, which doesn’t bother me as much that you used his VIC card. My frustration lies with people who use multiple cards but only shop by and for themselves. I see them pushing multiple carts, loaded up, through the stores and hear them at the registers, usually arguing with a manager about how xyz coupon isn’t working right. My store had and delivery last night and is already out of stock of the new items. Maybe this is too idealistic, but it would make the game much more fun if everyone was playing by the same rules. I know I’m getting to the point where’re super doubles just doesn’t seem worth the effort. Stores have already cut down how many coupons we can use per item and per transaction, it wouldn’t surprise me if they eventually eliminate these events or doubling altogether if people abuse the system. Anyway, thanks for letting me vent and sorry for going off on you!